Walking with the Ancestors 

with Litha Booi and Alexandra Derwen

Amani House, Hout Bay

11th - 17th April 2024
6 nights, 5 full days

Walking with the Ancestors

Retreat at Amani House, Hout Bay

With Litha Booi and Alexandra Derwen

11th – 17th April 2024

Cost for shared accommodation and delicious nutritious food: 795 Euro / 16215 Rand

Welcome to "Walking with the Ancestors" - A 7-Day Immersive Retreat

Slow down and reconnect

Embark on a transformative journey that transcends time and space, inviting you to slow down, listen deeply, and forge a profound connection with your lineage and the Earth beneath your feet. "Walking with the Ancestors" is more than a retreat; it's an invitation to explore the depths of your being and the echoes of those who walked before you.

Why Join the Walking with the Ancestors Retreat?

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, we often lose touch with the essence of our existence and the whispers of the past that shape our present. This unique 7-day immersion is meticulously designed to help you shed the layers of resistance that cloud your connection to yourself and your ancestors, guiding you toward a profound reconnection with the land and the roots that ground you to this world.

Benefits of the Retreat:

  • Deep Reconnection: Rediscover the bonds that tie you to your ancestors, understanding their journeys, struggles, and triumphs as integral parts of your own identity.
  • Self-Discovery: Through guided reflections and immersive experiences, confront the essential question: "Who are you, really?" Uncover layers of your identity and purpose that have remained hidden beneath the surface of daily distractions.
  • Mindful Slowing Down: Learn to slow down and listen to the subtle rhythms of nature and the stories it holds. Cultivate mindfulness and presence, enriching your connection to the world around you.
  • Healing and Renewal: As you walk the land and reconnect with ancestral wisdom, find healing in the acknowledgement of past wounds, both personal and generational, paving the way for renewal and growth.
  • Community and Connection: Join a community of like-minded individuals on a parallel journey of exploration and discovery. Share experiences, insights, and the profound connections that emerge from walking together.

What to Expect:

Each day of the retreat is carefully crafted to guide you through a process of shedding, listening, and connecting. From serene walks in nature to reflective group sessions and individual contemplations, every activity is an opportunity to deepen your understanding of yourself and your place in the lineage of humanity.

Why Should You Sign Up?

"Walking with the Ancestors" offers a rare opportunity to step out of the ordinary and into a space of extraordinary growth and connection. If you feel called to explore the depths of your being, to understand the legacy of those who came before you, and to connect with the land in profound ways, this retreat is for you.

Embrace the journey back to your roots. Discover the strength, wisdom, and love that flows from reconnecting with your ancestors and the Earth. Sign up today and take the first step towards a transformative encounter with your true self and the lineage that has paved the way for your existence.


About Litha Booi

Litha's Website

Litha Booi is a traditional healer, ancestral medicine practitioner, shamanic practitioner and qualified NLP coach dedicated to empowering people to live a more holistic life and reach their full potential.


About Alexandra Derwen

Alexandra's Website

 Alexandra Derwen from North Wales, UK, is an experienced group facilitator, death doula and educator and author of 3 books called Lost Rites, the latest of which The Ancestral Landscape is newly published. A poet, a pilgrim, a lover of the tree kin, intuitive and champion of the sacred Alexandra is dedicated to a lifetime’s work of decolonisation and ancestral at-one-ment.

The Venue : Amani House

Nestled in the quiet suburb of Hout Bay, Cape Town, lies the tranquil sanctuary that is Amani House.

Our off-grid retreat centre is the perfect place to rest and rejuvenate. Surrounded by mountains and sea, and held in the lush green landscape, Amani House is a oasis for transformation, healing and connection

Crystal Labyrinth

Quiet the mind as you weave through the pathways of rose quartz. The labyrinth is a perfect place to step into the practice of walking meditation. Stilling the mind, tuning into the sound of bird song and connecting to the land with each and every step.

Cold water swimming

Cold water immersion is a well known therapy for healing illness both physically and mentally. The crystal clear waters of our eco pool will replenish and revive you.

The Food:

Our inhouse chef, will cook only the best vegetarian local cuisine that will sustain and provide the right nutrition to enhance your process. You will get to understand that the food we eat is not just about putting together a few recipes but about knowing which foods would be best suited for the opening of your inner worlds.

Locally sourced goods will put together our amazing vegetarian diet, you won’t just be fed your typical everyday vegetarian foods but will be given a well thought out menu that not only looks good but will leave the taste buds craving for more. Our chefs ability to understand diet and nutrition is what will make these shared meals an unforgettable culinary experience.

What's included in the Retreat?

All meals

Accommodation at Amani house

Plant medicine hike

Daily ceremonies

Grief circles

Shamanic journeys


Light Yoga sessions

Who This Retreat Is For:

  • Seekers of Depth and Connection: Individuals who are seeking a deeper understanding of themselves, their place in the world, and their connection to their ancestors. If you're looking to explore the roots of your identity and lineage, this retreat offers a profound opportunity to do so.
  • Those Yearning for a Pause: People feeling overwhelmed by the pace and pressures of modern life, in need of a space to slow down, reflect, and reconnect with the natural world and the wisdom it holds.
  • Spiritual Explorers: Individuals open to spiritual exploration and interested in integrating ancestral wisdom into their personal and spiritual growth. This retreat is a sanctuary for those who value introspection and the spiritual dimensions of life.
  • Healing Seekers: Anyone on a healing journey, whether it's emotional, physical, or spiritual, looking to understand the generational influences on their well-being and seeking to heal not just themselves but their lineage.
  • Nature Lovers: Those who feel a deep connection to nature and understand the importance of the natural world in grounding and guiding us. This retreat is for those who find solace, inspiration, and wisdom in the mountains, oceans, forests, and caves.
  • Community Seekers: Individuals looking for a sense of community and connection with like-minded people. This retreat is an opportunity to form deep bonds with others who are on similar paths of exploration and discovery.

Who This Retreat Is Not For:

  • Those Looking for a Quick Fix: Individuals seeking instant solutions or a superficial escape from their daily lives. This retreat is about deep, meaningful engagement with oneself, one's ancestors, and the natural world, which requires time, openness, and commitment.
  • Skeptics of Spiritual Practices: People who are not open to exploring spiritual dimensions, ancestral connections, and the deeper aspects of self-identity. The retreat's activities and purpose are rooted in these concepts, which may not resonate with everyone.
  • Adventure Seekers Looking for High-Intensity Activities: While the retreat involves activities in nature, it is not focused on high-intensity physical challenges or adrenaline-fueled adventures. The pace is contemplative and designed to foster introspection and connection.
  • Those Unwilling to Engage in Group Activities: The retreat involves a mix of individual and group activities, including sharing circles and communal ceremonies. It's designed for those who are open to sharing their journey and supporting others in theirs.
  • Individuals Expecting Luxury Accommodations: While comfortable, the accommodations are designed to be simple and harmonious with the natural surroundings, emphasizing a connection to nature rather than luxury.

What's not included?

Your round trip transportation from home

Private consultations with Litha and Alexandra

Souvenir shopping and personal items

Join us, and walk the path of reconnection, discovery, and healing.

"Walking with the Ancestors" - Where your journey to the past illuminates your path to the future.

Secure your spot in this life-changing experience. Limited spaces available. Sign up now and embark on a journey of a lifetime.


(Payments in Full and Payments in installments available)